Media Guidelines

Guidelines for Submitting Answers to Interview Questions

Format and Structure:


  1. Depth: We appreciate thoughtful and detailed responses. Avoid one-word or very brief answers.
  2. Examples: Where possible, include examples or anecdotes to illustrate your points. When giving examples,
  3. Mention of Names: Please avoid mentioning brand or individual names, products, or services unless it is a sponsored article or interview or appropriate permissions have been given by the said brands. The interviewee or article author may, however, mention the names of other brands in instances where they are giving credit to such brands or individuals.
  4. Confidentiality: Do not disclose any confidential or proprietary information. This is to avoid repercussions for either party.

Tone and Style:

  1. Personal Insight: As much as we are aiming to maintain a professional tone, do not hesitate to share personal insights or experiences that add value to your answers.
  2. Consistency: Kindly ensure consistency in your responses, particularly if there are follow-up questions or related topics.

Guidelines for Submitting Images

Image Guidelines

  1. Submit 4-6 high-resolution images to ensure good print quality.
  2. Please submit images that are professionally taken.
  3. Advise the photographer to take photographs from different backgrounds, angles, and positions.
  4. By submitting your images, we believe that you are giving us the rights to use and publish your images on the website and in the print/digital iGaming AFRIKA Magazine.
  5. While we do not typically recommend submitting images taken with phones, if the images meet our publication guidelines and are of high resolution, shot from multiple angles and positions, they may be considered for review.
  6. Sending images over Whatsapp is not recommended.
  7. Please note that submissions of images featuring the interviewee wearing branded clothing or with branded content prominently displayed in the background, next to or near the interviewee, are not recommended.

Submission Process:

  1. Email Attachment: Attach the images to your email and send the link via email to [email protected]
  2. File Transfer Services: For large files, use services like WeTransfer, Dropbox, or Google Drive and provide the download link.

By following these guidelines, you will help ensure that your interview responses and images are professional, high-quality, and suitable for publication. We appreciate your cooperation.



iGaming AFRIKA.

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