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Navigating the Regulatory Landscape of Gaming in Côte d’Ivoire: Insights from Jules L. Beugré

In an exclusive enlightening interview during the Gaming Tech Summit 2024, Jules L. Beugré, Director of the Games Market & Player Protection at the Gambling Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, offered a detailed overview of the gaming industry’s regulatory framework in the country. The conversation focused on the dual regulatory regimes, the prerequisites for establishing betting companies, the impact of technological advancements, and the challenges faced in the sector.

Côte d’Ivoire’s gaming landscape operates under two significant regimes: the concession regime and the authorization regime. Established in 2020, the regulatory authority is relatively new, gradually evolving to oversee various gaming activities. According to Beugré, “The concession regime is awarded to a state-owned entity that holds a monopoly on online gaming, sports betting, and other activities, while the regulatory authority focuses on physical gaming establishments, such as casinos and slot machine venues.” He emphasized that the authority is working to create a framework that not only manages online gaming but also comprehensively monitors physical gambling operations, stating, “We have the power to control all the gambling industry.”

For entrepreneurs looking to establish betting companies in Côte d’Ivoire, adherence to specific guidelines is essential. Beugré explained that to operate online gaming, applicants must register as companies under Ivorian law, which includes provisions for local partnerships. He noted, “It is a legal requirement to have a local partner who has shares in the company.” The licensing process involves a thorough scrutiny of company documents and a morality investigation of the managers and shareholders to ensure compliance with national laws and standards. This process is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the gaming industry and preventing illicit operations. Jules Beugré Côte d’Ivoire Gambling

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Technology is a key focus for Côte d’Ivoire’s gaming authority, with Beugré revealing that they are exploring various technological tools to effectively monitor the sector. He mentioned recent meetings with the French National Gaming Authority, which has successfully implemented systems to oversee online gaming operations. As part of their strategic plan, Beugré indicated that the authority is developing Terms of Reference (TORs) to invite tenders for technological partnerships that can help enhance regulatory efficiency. He acknowledged the current limitations, admitting, “Right now, we lack robust control systems, particularly for online gaming, which has prompted us to search for sophisticated solutions.”

One of the pressing challenges identified by Beugré is the prevalence of illegal gambling operations, specifically unregulated slot machines commonly referred to as “Chinese machines.” Such operations are widespread, even in rural areas, contributing to illegal gambling activities that affect vulnerable populations, including minors. Beugré highlighted ongoing efforts to combat these illegal operations, stating, “Tackling illegal gambling is a priority for us, and we are collaborating with the telecommunications regulatory authority to address these issues.”

As Côte d’Ivoire continues to refine its regulatory framework, Beugré noted that the authority is in the process of creating specifications that will define licensing fees and structures for both online and physical gaming. “This development aims to clarify the financial obligations of operators while promoting a transparent and fair gaming market,” he said. Jules Beugré Côte d’Ivoire Gambling

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